Monday, 17 November 2008

Christmas in Malta

I am Josephine Ebejer Grech and I am a teacher at "San Gorg Preca" Boys' Junior Lyceum Hamrun Malta. I teach Biology to boys between 13 and 16 years. I also teach Chemistry and Physics after school hours.

I am a Christmas lover. From when I was young I used to love Chrismtas carols, Christmas decorations, Christmas food, parties, the midnight mass etc.

Here I am going to upload a power point presentation about Christmas in Malta. I hope you like it. If you would like to ask more please send me an email on

Happy Christmas everyone
Josephine Ebejer Grech

Christmas In Malta
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: christmas josephine)

1 comment:

Antonella Sellia said...

Hello everyone!
My name is Antonella Sellia and I'm an English teacher. I teach in a small secondary school in Catanzaro, South Italy.
We are happy to share this e-twinning project with you, and hope that it will be a very motivating experience for our students (aged 11-14).
Christmas is a wonderful holiday for almost everybody, and I would like to convey a message of peace , tolerance and love to all children involved in this activity.
I wish you all the best for the season, and look forward to starting the operative phase of the project.
Kindest regards

Antonella Sellia

Scuola Media "Mattia Preti", Siano, Catanzaro, Italy